Obviously, we would all prefer that this life would be a sweet and easy life; no one would ever ask for pain, loss, bitterness or wailing. Suffering and sorrow were not a part of God’s original plan. It is our sin and evil on this earth that create suffering, hunger, slavery, human trafficking, persecution, perversion, abortions, assaults and murder.
Our journey in this realm contains both sweetness and bitterness. As the Son of Man, who could identify with all of our temptations and trials, the Lord Jesus knew both the bitter and the sweet. As He showed us how to triumph in both, we must follow His example. When we are taken to be with Him, only sweetness will remain. But for now, we share in the fellowship of His sufferings (Rom.8:17).
When my family lived in Israel, there was a haunting song that was very beloved, written by Israeli songwriter, Naomi Shemer. In Hebrew, the song is called, “Al ha D’vash v’al ha Oketz,” which means, “The Honey and the Sting.” An approximate translation of the lyrics would be: “Oh God who is good, please watch over the honey and bee sting, the bitter and the sweet. Watch over our baby daughter. Do not uproot what has been planted in us and do not take away our hope. Watch over the rushing waters and the blazing fire, and guard us. Keep watch over both the honey and the sting, both the bitter and the sweet, dear Lord, I pray.”
It seems to me that this is a mature and wise perspective, as we now enter the time of both glory and suffering. Before our eyes, the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas (Hab.2:14); but the same generation will see the greatest time of sorrow ever seen in this world, not to be equaled before or after this generation (Matt.24:21).
May the Lord watch over His people, both Jewish and Gentile. May He keep Israel in the day of her trouble. May He help and protect all who call upon His Name, and may His people be kept through the days of sweetness and bitterness. We will remember Your love in that day, and we will testify: “We have tasted Your goodness; Your love is better than wine!” (Psalm 34:8, Rom.10:13, Song of Sol.1:2.)-- Jill Shannon
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